WN Sports Leadership Academy Launches
Congratulations to the students from High Schools across West Norfolk who completed a Kwik Cricket Umpire Course led by Norfolk Cricket Board coaches Kevin Denmark and Jason Reynolds.
This course hails the start of a series of courses being made available to students who enrol in the ‘West Norfolk Sports Leadership Academy’ – Tennis Leaders and Sports First Aid are to follow over Easter.
The aims of the Leadership Academy are to track volunteer hours that students from Years 7 to 13 offer when supporting SSP Primary competitions and events and reward Leaders when they reach milestones of 25, 50 and 75 hours. We are also looking to provide courses for Leaders to extend their confidence and knowledge and ultimately provide opportunities to volunteer within the wider community.
Plans are already in place to offer support at the GEAR 10k, Holkham Half, Glebe Triathlon and the Kings Lynn Junior Parkrun.
Prospective Sports Leaders can apply to join the Academy by approaching their PE Dept or contacting Tracy Bower direct at tracy.bower@kesacademy.co.uk – open to all West Norfolk High school students from Years 7 to 13.
Pictured students from Smithdon, KES Academy, KL Academy, St Clements and Springwood.