School Based CPD/Twilight INSET
The SSP has given all schools in the partnership the opportunity to be part of this programme, offering 12 twilight sessions across the year.
Most Session will be twilight sessions (3.30-5.30pm) to avoid schools having to pay for supply cover to enable staff to attend. These courses will be open to any member of school staff that is involved in the programme and schools can send 2 members of staff onto each course.
Click the link below to see the 2016-17 outline plan.
All staff training workshops will be designed to also compliment our SSP competition calendar as well as benefitting the delivery of curriculum PE. Workshops linking into competitions will be arranged approximately 4-8 weeks prior to competitions so staff can attend the workshop then return to their school and prepare pupils for the competition.
All workshops will be lead by PE professional or expert tutors/coaches and will provide school staff with the opportunity to try a range of sport specific activities and drills which they could use within their schools. Delegates on most workshops will also be given a FREE resource that they can take away with them and use straight away within their school.
real PE Course (3 day)
The SSP is excited to be able to provide schools within West Norfolk the opportunity to attend real PE training.
real PE has been described as a game changer, it will change the way you, your pupils and staff will all view PE. real PE focuses teaching on what matters – every individual child. It uses a framework of outstanding resources and lesson plans. All of this is underpinned by a focus around the progressive development of Fundamental Movement skills and a Multi-Ability approach to developing the whole child.
The SSP has organised a 3 day real PE training course for 2016/17;
- Day 1 – Wednesday 23rd November (9.15-4.00pm)
- Day 2 – Monday 30th January (9.15-4.00pm)
- Day 3 – Monday 24th April (9.15-4.00pm)
All sessions will be held at TBC. Staff who attend the course receive interactive lesson plans for their year group for 36 weeks worth of PE as well as supporting resources. All of the resources are based around ensuring all learners can make progress and enjoy PE more than ever before. The training will support staff to deliver high quality PE for all whilst ensuring they (and the pupils) are having fun!
- KS3 Tabletennis - 23/01/2025
4:00 PM - Marshland High School - Active Kids Festival 2 Group 3 - 27/01/2025
10:00 AM - Lynnsport - KS3 Badminton - 27/01/2025
4:00 PM - KES and KLA - COMPETE - SSP Girls Football - Year 3/4 - 27/02/2025
10:00 AM - Lynnsport 3G Pitch - COMPETE - SSP Girls Football - Year 5/6 - 27/02/2025
10:00 AM - Lynnsport 3G Pitch - View All Events